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New Daffodils

October 22, 2009

The garden fairy helped me plant the new daffodils Tuesday. Don’t they look fabulous?

new daffodils

new daffodils

No? How about these?

more new daffodils

more new daffodils

Still not seeing them? Huh. I guess we’ll just have to wait until spring to see how they turn out. The first bit of dirt is at the start of the front walk and gets more sun. I’ll have a bit of comparing to do. I’m hoping the paisley garden gets enough sun for the daffodils before the trees fill out. If not, I may be moving them.

The leaves have only just begun to fall, but we’ve been busy raking them. There are a number of oak leaves, but the early ones are mostly maple and the other small leaves that decompose faster. I’ve raked all of these into the paisley bed to add to the composting material and build up more soil. The darker strip along the front is the partially composted leaves from last year. That small strip is one wheelbarrow full. I have many more to haul, but I will have to try to resist filling the barrow. The composting leaf pile is at the bottom of the hill in back. I can get the full barrow up the hill, but it takes quite a bit of muscle.The partially composted leaves are full of worms and their castings. Putting them on top should retain moisture in the fresh leaves and help them decompose faster.

leaf compost

leaf compost

The garden fairy loves to help tend the flowers. One of her favorite activities is transplanting her sunflower friends, really dahlias, to her heart garden. She always plants them in this same spot, where she likes to swing from the branch of the cherry tree. I thought this spot was just too shady for the seeds I planted there, but now I wonder…

garden fairy

garden fairy

2 Comments leave one →
  1. October 22, 2009 3:39 pm

    Please visit my blog for an important garden bloggers children’s fundraiser. Thank you.

  2. October 23, 2009 5:27 am

    I need a garden fairy to help me at my house, over 400 bulbs to plant. It helps when you ave someone shorter to put the bulbs in the hole!

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